All’s WELL in the WELL

By Angela Mandich The Well is an awesome group of  high school students  and dedicated volunteers. We  look forward to meeting each week to enrich our  faith through community service, friendship, fun, and Chicago style popcorn! It’s a “wellcoming” group that allows...
What about you?

What about you?

I sat on my couch in front of my computer for most of this past weekend and I didn’t even feel bad – partly because it’s fall now and I had cold – but mostly because I spent the whole weekend watching Papa Francesco light up America. I watched mass, heard Matt Maher...
5 Reasons Why Fasting is Still Important

5 Reasons Why Fasting is Still Important

First of all, welcome to our Lenten blog! Since the fall when were blessed with this new amazing website, we have talked about blogging together as a staff. I’ll admit that as the millennial of the group, I’m the most excited. We will be sharing a variety...