by Fr. John | Feb 11, 2020 | Book Club - THE RELUCTANT DISCIPLE by David Wells
Being nervous is a good thing. We like to avoid times of nervousness but in reality it helps us focus and it tells us what we are about to do is super important. I always get a little nervous before preaching, celebrating Mass and even refereeing basketball. I want to...
by Fr. John | Feb 11, 2020 | Book Club - THE RELUCTANT DISCIPLE by David Wells
The sound of silence can be so powerful. In this chapter David shares with us the wisdom of silence which is a wonderful way to lay down our weapons to create opportunities of love, kindness and compassion. He uses the scripture passage of Jesus and Pilate from the...
by Fr. John | Feb 11, 2020 | Book Club - THE RELUCTANT DISCIPLE by David Wells
Can we really live a life of discipleship simply out of obligation? This chapter invites us to reflect on the call of a faithful disciple to be rooted in love of God and neighbour. It is simply not enough to live our lives of faith out of obligation or obedience to...
by Fr. John | Feb 11, 2020 | Book Club - THE RELUCTANT DISCIPLE by David Wells
What is the difference between sympathy and compassion? This is a huge distinction that we need to explore if we are going to be faithful disciples seeking to serve the Lord. In this chapter, David shares an experience while on a mission trip abroad. I can attest...
by Fr. John | Feb 11, 2020 | Book Club - THE RELUCTANT DISCIPLE by David Wells
How do we measure the success of our lives? How can we judge if we have lived a good and meaningful life? In this chapter, David Wells, reminds us that we are not the centre of our lives. There are many transitions and changes in our lives but throughout all of...