In response to a different post-pandemic world and the reality of decreased church attendance, lack of finances and a society that has drifted from the Gospel—it is up to parishes and families of parishes to find new and creative ways to engage people today.  What we relied on in the past is no longer relevant or affective.  We need a plan that adapts our methods, programs, ministries, schedules and language that most effectively conveys the Good News to people of today.  This means change, conversion and renewal.  This cannot be done without a real plan.  This message series looks to offer a new way to minister so that everyone may encounter Christ the Risen Lord.  This won’t happen overnight but it is now time to put the GAME PLAN into action.


Fr. John begins this series introducing the two basic fundamentals of all ministries, programs and outreach taking place in the Chatham Catholic Family of Parishes — we will focus our efforts on forming disciples who live out the Gospel by reaching out to all.  Our parishes are really “schools of faith” where we are nourished, fed, inspired, encouraged and healed for the sake of being a true witness of Christ in our world today.  


Fr. John continues in his latest message series talking sharing the specifics of a new strategic pastoral plan for the Chatham Catholic Family of Parishes to thrive and grow in this post pandemic world.  Fr. John shares the first of six Qualities of a Faithful Disciple which describes how we are to be followers of Jesus.  The two are the call to SERVE (going beyond ourselves helping others) and FORMATION (to learn more about our faith and the truth about Christ).

Check out Fr. John’s SHIELD OF FAITH article reminding all of us that our new GAME PLAN rooted in forming disciples and reaching out to all will help us shine the light of the gospel in our world today.–Click Here

SESSION #3 – Increase Our Faith

Fr. John continues this message series focusing on two more Qualities of a Faithful Disciple – PRAYER & SACRAMENTS and SHARE & INVITE. We need to pray and celebrate the sacraments to increase our faith so that we can share our faith story with others and invite them to encounter the risen Lord in our faith community.

Check out Fr. John’s SHIELD OF FAITH article reminding all of us that our new GAME PLAN will help us increase our faith by building up our personal prayer life and participating in the sacraments.  In addition, sharing our story of faith with others and inviting them on the pilgrimage to heaven.–Click Here

SESSION #4 – Investing in Christ & Each Other

Fr. John concludes this message series with the last two Qualities of a Faithful Disciple.  INVEST – is a call to a complete commitment to Christ, His Church and the faith community.  SMALL GROUPS – the need to build relationships with others in the faith community helps us along the highway to heaven.

Check out Fr. John’s SHIELD OF FAITH article as he reflects on God’s blessings and describes the last two Qualities of a Faithful Disciples—Invest and Small Groups.  We need to commit to Christ, the Church and our faith community and create smaller groups within the parishes to support and care for one another.–Click Here