As we come to the close of the Church’s liturgical year and begin a new year with the Advent season, it is good to step back and take a long view at what our lives are really about and where we are headed.  The Sunday readings the last few weeks of the year remind us of the basic fundamentals of Christian living and the final goal of the Kingdom of Heaven.  It is a chance for us to renew our commitment to living our lives differently in our world heading for the glory of heaven by loving, sharing, serving and sacrificing for those who are in need.  In times of difficulty and the storms of our lives, it is good to go back to the basics and with God’s help, figure things out.  When we need to fix our golf swing, figure out a math problem in our homework, try to fix something at work or lost in the busy-ness of our world—let’s go back to the fundamentals of our faith and lives to move forward with light, hope and peace.


Fr. John begins this new three homily series by talking about his terrible golf swing that makes the ball go way left all the time!!  If he really wanted to hit the ball down the fairway, he would need to consult a golf coach to teach him the basics and fundamentals of the perfect swing.  When things are out of sorts or when things are overwhelming, it is important to go back to the basics of our lives and faith.  The foundations are essential for us to move forward and live to the fullest!!

Check out Fr. John’s SHIELD OF FAITH blog post about BACK TO THE BASICS and help Fr. John fix his golf swing.  Click here.


In this second homily of the message series called “BACK TO THE BASICS” Fr. John talks about another fundamental basic of Christian life and mission of the Church–We are called to read the signs of the times finding and sharing God’s grace. What do we see in our world today?  There are so many people who are in need.  We must help them.  Where do we encounter Christ in our world today?  Pope Francis in his message for the World Day of the Poor 2021 that we will encounter Jesus in the poor.  The Holy Father invites us to welcome the poor at our tables embracing them as brothers and sisters in our society and community.  We need to be in solidarity with those in need.

Check out Fr. John’s SHIELD OF FAITH blog post about READING THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES during his message series called BACK TO THE BASICS.  Click here.


Fr. john concludes this message series by talking about Elvis, Burger King and Budweiser?  Yep and so much more!!  Our basic fundamentals of faith is all rooted in our relationship with God and one another.  Jesus, the King of Kings expressed the Father’s love by dying for us.  Our lives and the mission of the Church is to foster, support, heal and nurture our relationship with God and each other—investing in what endures!!

Check out Fr. John’s SHIELD OF FAITH blog post about IT’S ALL ABOUT RELATIONSHIPS.  Click here.