Deacon Mark Castanier
Eight questions with Deacon Mark Castanier
- If I could live anywhere, I would live…
Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
- If I could learn any language fluently I would learn…
- My favourite thing to do in the winter is…
Go somewhere warm for a month, either Florida or California
- Team BlackBerry, iPhone or Android?
Miss my Blackberry, don’t like my android. Look forward to having an iPhone
- If I could hang-out with any saint, it would be…
St. Francis of Assisi
- My secret talent is…
Cooking and garden design
- My confirmation name is…
- At St. George’s Parish, I’m responsible for…
Working in cooperation with the staff at St. George. Being present with parishioners in their journey to Jesus Christ. Delivering a homily under five minutes once a month.