By: Fr. John Jasica
I am filled with many mixed emotions this weekend as we celebrate the final Mass at St. Agnes Parish. I know that this is a very difficult time for many as we seek to adapt and change so that the Gospel may be lived and shared in a world and culture that is very different. Despite the fact that this becomes a necessary move forward for our family of parishes, it is a difficult one.
I am extremely grateful to God for the gift of St. Agnes Parish over the last 68 years. The many wonderful parishioners, clergy, staff and ministries that have radiated the grace, joy and light of Christ has truly changed the world. I am absolutely certain that this faithfulness will continue and grow as the legacy of St. Agnes Parish flows into the other churches in our family of parishes. I have seen it already and am fill with gratitude and inspired that we as one family, one community and really one parish, have the grace and courage to see the overall mission Christ has given us that goes beyond any individual building or individual parish.
Our monthly “Jubilee Adoration Series” that started in September 2024 and will continue until the spring of 2025 has helped me focus and embrace the wisdom of the Jubilee Year declared by Pope Francis which officially began this past Christmas.
It has given me strength and a perspective that has helped me in leading this change, transition and shift in our family of parishes. The jubilee year can offer all of us hope—especially in the midst of church closures, changes and the difficulties that all of this brings. The jubilee logo itself can help us along the way as we seek to form disciples who reach out to all.
(1) Four Stylized Figures & The Cross
At the centre of the logo we see four stylized figures that indicate all of humanity from the four corners of the earth. They are each embracing one another, indicating solidarity and unity and the first figure is embracing the Cross. This reminds me that we as a family of parishes are one community of faith, embracing one another as brothers and sisters, united as one—seeking to take up our cross and following Christ through service and sacrifice for the sake of the Gospel. We are better and stronger together and by sharing our talents, gifts and resources, can most powerfully share the love of Christ in our world.
(2) The Underlying Waves
The underlying waves are choppy to indicate that the pilgrimage of life is not always on calm waters. This reminds me that we must persevere through the challenges of sacrifice and change so that we can most effectively brings others on the voyage to heaven. It also indicates the challenge for the Church to proclaim the Gospel in a world that pushes Christ and the Good News to the sidelines. We must never fear the waves or the storms of this world but support one another with the love of Christ.
(3) The Cross is Our Anchor
The lower part of the Cross is elongated turning into an anchor which dominates the waves. The anchor has often been used as a metaphor for hope. For mariners, the spare anchor which is used by vessels for emergency maneuvers to stabilize ships during storms is called the “hope anchor”. This part of the logo reminds me that Christ is our hope and when we trust in Him and embrace His mission rather than our own preferences, He gives us stability. This grace and presence of our Lord not only helps us endure the storms but offers us courage to go out and help those who are overwhelmed by the waves of life.
(4) Constant Movement
The logo has a sense of constant movement. The stylized figures are moving towards the Cross and of course in pilgrimage together to heaven. We as disciples always seek to move towards Christ and embrace the call to carry our crosses. We also see the Cross bending towards the figures which reminds us that Christ brings himself to us and is a constant presence for the Church. This constant movement tells us that we too as a family of parishes are always moving forward to be pilgrims of hope in an ever-changing world. We too need to adapt and change. Some of these changes are very difficult but ultimately our mission is to bring people to the love of Christ at whatever the cost.
As we continue to adapt and transform our family of parishes for the sake of our mission to proclaim the Gospel, may this jubilee year fill us with grace and hope. May this light and joy of Christ bring us real hope when we need it the most—so that we can be a true and tangible sign for our world. Let us give thanks, rejoice and share the love Christ has given us.