Our parish communities only function with the time, talent and support of amazing volunteer ministers. Without wonderful volunteer ministers—we could not share the Gospel in our world today. There are so many dedicated and faithful parishioners sharing who they are and what they have with others. Yet, there are so many others who are being called by God to share and serve. In this post-pandemic world, we are going to need everyone to share their God given abilities to help build the Kingdom of God. The world needs each of us who have the courage and trust in Christ to offer themselves in loving service to make this world a better place. Again, this will require all of us. This message series will explore ways for each of us to recognize our gifts and build the strength to step beyond the pews into areas of service, outreach and leadership in the Church.
Fr. John begins this series talking about the popular television series AMERICA’S GOT TALENT and their golden buzzer moments. We all have unique talents and abilities that are not just for us but for others as we help build God’s kingdom. This happens by offering who we are and what we have in our parish communities. We need to have the faith and courage of Abraham in our second reading who followed God even though he really didn’t know where he was going. He only knew that God was leading him.
Fr. John continues in his latest message series talking about a “golden buzzer” to shorten homilies and the fact that Jesus wants to set us on fire to live and share the Good News. Christ also calls us to choose who we will serve–Him or ourselves?
SESSION #3 – A Time for Action
Fr. John concludes this message series with a challenge for everyone who seek to enter through the narrow door—surrendering ourselves to God through ministry, outreach and service. All of us need to step up after the pandemic bringing Christ to others!
Check out Fr. John’s SHIELD OF FAITH article reminding all of us that THIS PARISH HAS TALENT and we are all called to serve the Lord–Click Here