By: Fr. John Jasica


As we prepare for our special “CONVERSATION IN THE SPIRIT” gatherings on September 15th and 22nd facilitated by Linda Staudt—I would like to extend an invitation for all members of our family of parishes to attend both meetings so that we can move forward together.  Only as one family and one community can we most effectively share the Good News in a new and powerful way to transform the world.  The cross reminds us that the path of a Christian will involve sacrifices out of love of Christ, one another and especially those who are in need.  Embracing the cross is essential as disciples.


At this time, I also ask for your prayers as we move forward with the closure of St. Agnes Parish.  This is a very difficult and challenging time for the people of St. Agnes, those who are involved in the various ministries that take place there and for those who attend the 11 AM Sunday Mass.  The people of St. Agnes are making the first ultimate sacrifice in our family that will continue to unfold for years to come.  We know that we will face further closures when necessary so that we can continue to adapt for the sake of the Gospel in our times.  May we pray to follow God’s path for us—which takes courage and trust in Christ and each other.

I am also asking everyone for your support, patience and understanding.  The next number of months will be very challenging as we transition on various levels as a family of parishes.  Over the next few weeks I will be meeting with the various groups and ministries at St. Agnes to see how they want to move forward.  This includes the St. Agnes Choir, St. Agnes Soup Kitchen, Migrant Ministry & Outreach, Sewing Circle and the other various liturgical ministers.  I want to make sure that the legacy, ministry and gift of St. Agnes continues in our family of parishes beyond closure.

Each of the St. Agnes groups/ministries will need new homes in our family of parishes.  Although St. Agnes is making the ultimate sacrifice, each of the churches in our family of parishes is also called to sacrifice ensuring that the gifts and graces of St. Agnes Parish continue to grow.  This will likely mean that other groups and ministries in our family of parishes will also need to share, adapt and change so that we can continue to radiate the Good News.

This means that I will also be meeting with groups/ministries in our other churches that may be affected asking them to welcome and support the transitions required.  I am confident that in the end, we will grow stronger as one family and one community of faith continuing to share who we are and what we have welcoming all!!  This is what we pray for each weekend in our IGNITE THE MISSION prayer.


Sacrifices are difficult and are things that we avoid very often.  Yet the greatest achievements in our lives are done through sacrifice, perseverance and dedication.  We sacrifice for the sake of something bigger, more important or more meaningful.  Our family of parishes has already sacrificed so much over the last few years but if we are willing to sacrifice more for the right reasons, together as a family, guided by the Holy Spirit—there is no question that we will be richly rewarded.  As people of faith we always have hope and trust in the Lord.  When we sacrifice out of love for Jesus and the mission to share the Gospel, we end up exactly where we are supposed to be despite our own plans or expectations.  May we trust the Lord as we continue to move forward.